Success trainers are fond of stressing that most of us have very personal preferences and that the lifetime decisions we make will be all based on these preferences.
These preferences are formed by our emotions, feelings, beliefs and concepts and are deeply ingrained on a sub conscious level. We typically deny matters on a sub conscious level even before we actually think of them.
So you might well be asking yourself, what exactly does this have to do with sports betting?
Athlete’s Foot
As a child I was the athletic person who you could find. I was not fast or agile. What that meant was that if my classmates or friends were choosing sides for a game of any sort, I had been the last one chosen.
Because you can imagine that was a herculean encounter and I was left with a terrible taste for sport of any sort.
I completely know people who’re not enthused soccer predictions sport. I fully get the ones that are totally turned off to sports whatever the reason why. These are the private preferences produced by our life experiences.
But… I Would Like Currency
If you are not really a sports fan, your first impulse is to dismiss or dismiss anything remotely related to this industry. It’s sports, and we really do n`t like sports”
But what about the money? Isn’t what we’re really talking about this? Most of us love finding a windfall profit whether it is hitting the”pick 3,” having surprise bonus or acquiring a bunch of $20’s in a pair of trousers you haven’t worn in some time. Everyone else would like to own more money… For better or for worse, more money makes the world go round.
But as you know people have a tendency to think very emotionally when dealing with money. Although it’s the complete time when you need to clear your self of feelings and believe as rationally as possible.
The question is, do you rather grind your life away with a stone-cold boring day project or, effortlessly place a couple bets in a few minutes per day on events you don’t give a darn about?
The truth is, should you n`t like sports, it’s much simpler to be a successful sports bettor as you are able to leave your emotions out of the decisionmaking process. This lets you stick to the system you’re using and earn more money compared to the sports fan by being influenced by their favorite players or teams.
Systems consistently are better when the person using it is impartial.
This is not to say that the avid sports fan can’t create money gambling sports, but they do need to put away their favourite jersey and manage it like a business… neutral and calculated.